FREE 5-day Email Course

Do YOU Make these Mistakes with Microsoft Word?

Mistakes that are not only frustrating your authors but also wasting hundreds of hours in formatting and rework, and costing you many tens of thousands of $$$.

If so, it's time for Word Ignition, our FREE 5-day email course that uncovers the BIGGEST mistakes businesses make when using Microsoft Word.

Day 1 shows you how to solve your BIGGEST problem in under 30 seconds.

Day 2 discusses why solid design fundamentals are non-negotiable.

Day 3 examines why correct template setup and design are critical to success.

Day 4 explains the benefits of this new approach (and in educating your team).

Day 5 expands on your new system, what to do, and where to go from here.

If you want to solve all your Word problems once and for all, pop your details in the form below, receive the 1st email within minutes, and get started on solving your Word problems immediately.

And just why should you listen to me?

Because I've saved businesses like yours anywhere between $50,000 and $200,000 per year through Word efficiency savings (case studies are below).

As I cover in the course, this isn't difficult to achieve and it will change your fortunes forever.

Here's what just some of my clients have said. (There are many more in my Book of Proof, further down.)

Microsoft Word Case Studies